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What is the difference between carbon steel casting and stainless steel casting?

Carbon steel is an alloy, and its key materials are iron and carbon. In addition to iron and carbon, other alloying elements are also added, which give steel different properties. One of its key factors is chromium. The chromium series distinguishes stainless steel and One of the standards for carbon steel. Stainless steel contains 11-12 percent of chromium. In carbon steel, the carbon content is high. One of the characteristics of this element is that it can prevent steel from rusting.

Because the chromium content in steel is very small, carbon steel knives are easier to rust than stainless steel blades. Carbon steel is resistant to corrosion. In humid natural environments, water and salt will cause the carbon fiber blades to be oxidized in the water and eventually fade. The worst case scenario is rust. Apart from the hazards caused by different chromium content and the differences in the addition of other elements, the properties of carbon steel are not very different from other steels. Other elements such as vanadium, tungsten, and manganese can change the steel. The plasticity and tensile strength maintain the sharpness and toughness of the blade. The increase of these other factors increases the cost of steel and the manufacturing difficulty of quenching and tempering the processing process. However, it can show obvious benefits to customers.

It can only be said that each has its own merits. Because there are many types of stainless steel and there are many types of carbon steel. And each type of steel has its advantages and disadvantages.