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How to ensure that the quality of stainless steel castings meets standards

In order to ensure that the quality of stainless steel castings meets the technical standards for acceptance of supply projects, it is necessary to comply with the specifications of the casting drawings and melt casting standards. Party A and Party B should inspect all contracts. The key to inspection is external quality inspection, internal quality inspection and quality inspection:

1. The key to quality inspection is material composition, physical properties, macro and micro defects, etc.

2. External quality inspection of stainless steel precision castings: the key includes casting specifications, geometry, casting quality, surface roughness, surface and near-surface casting defects, etc.

3. Other keys to quality inspection include physical characteristics and uniqueness. Check the process flow of each processing process. The key to inspection is to bear the responsibility of the enterprise and reduce the cost of the enterprise; the key to finished product inspection is to bear the responsibility of consumers to meet consumer requirements and expect.
