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Some details that need to be paid attention to when repairing carbon steel castings

1. When it is planned to use welding method to repair defects in carbon steel castings, the defects and welding process regulations should be reviewed.

2. When using gas cutting or carbon arc gouging to remove important casting defects, necessary preheating can be carried out according to the chemical composition, size and properties of the casting.

3. Defects in carbon steel castings can be found during visual inspection, or after heat treatment or processing. Defects that are not allowed can be removed by machining, cutting, polishing, gas cutting or carbon arc planing.

4. After welding to repair defects in carbon steel castings, the welding part and the nearby base metal need to be polished, and non-destructive testing must be performed based on the number, size and location of the original defects to ensure that all defects are removed.

5. After defects are removed from carbon steel castings, non-destructive testing should be performed to confirm that the defects have been completely removed. Without weakening the strength of the casting, shallow grooves or pits caused by defect removal can be ground into a smooth arc-shaped transition surface.